Rich Sasser

In by Levi

Director of Men - Battle Brothers Men's Conference
Our Battle Brothers rally, with over 600 men in attendance, was a huge success because of Dr. Damon Friedman. His testimony touched every man in the room. Stories about his time in the military kept every eye locked on. He was so inspiring, and his energy resonated throughout the auditorium. His message of courage and faith connected with each man there. The results were obvious when over 100 men stood tall and walked forward to make a change in their lives. There's no doubt that everyone was impacted. If you're looking for somebody to truly connect with your group and speak truth, I highly recommend Dr. Damon Friedman.

Our Battle Brothers rally, with over 600 men in attendance, was a huge success because of Dr. Damon Friedman. His testimony touched every man in the room. Stories about his time in the military kept every eye locked on. He was so inspiring, and his energy resonated throughout the auditorium. His message of courage and faith connected with each man there. The results were obvious when over 100 men stood tall and walked forward to make a change in their lives. There’s no doubt that everyone was impacted. If you’re looking for somebody to truly connect with your group and speak truth, I highly recommend Dr. Damon Friedman.